Thursday, August 10, 2017

Rosa Dest Interiors

Would you say You POP or You BLEND?
Before you answer that question or wonder what I am even talking about, let me explain...

Our reaction to color affects so many parts of our lives and when it comes to the spaces we live and work in, color has a profound effect on us. I love to surround myself with colors that make me feel happy and bring a smile to my face.

Through an understanding of my client's color sense I gain an insight into their likes and dislikes. One of the best ways to do so is by understanding my POP vs. BLEND technique.

This technique comes from answering the simple question of whether you  prefer to see a POP of color or a BLEND of color in your space. In order to figure this out, it's best to have an understanding of color value and the relationship colors have to  each other.

When I talk about color value, I am referring  to the lightness or darkness of a color. Color value influences the colors we enjoy surrounding ourselves with and identifying the mood we are trying to set within a particular room. Once we know the color values we are drawn to, and whether we want our rooms to POP or BLEND,  the process of selecting  the color palette  becomes a little easier. Of course there are many other factors to consider but then again, that's why you would call me to help you figure it out!

When a color POPS it tends to be either  brighter or darker  in value than the other colors around it.
Without getting into too much color theory, it also depends on their position on the color wheel as to how they react to each other. There is a misconception that only brights or primary colors pop, but it really just depends on the color they are next to.
These colors are incorporated into a room using furniture, fabric, art and accessories, etc. evoking an energetic and vibrant feeling. This color scheme needs to be controlled carefully as to avoid a jarring feeling. Tobi Fairley does a beautiful job by introducing painted furniture and pops of color through art into the bedroom below.

                                                                    Tobi Fairley Home  

By keeping the patterns and colors controlled, one fabric is allowed to Pop and your space will come alive.

                                                                Rosa Dest Interiors
When I refer to a color palette as one that BLENDS, it tends to be a combination of muted colors such as pastels or neutrals. For example a monochromatic color schemes is one that uses shades of one color throughout the room evoking a feeling of  and calm and cozy. For example, Suzanne Kasler uses similar shades of blue in this beautiful dining room to elicit a feeling of calm.

                                                            Suzanne Kasler Interiors

Another example is to use pattern. You can achieve a  beautiful blend by selecting a combination of patterns that are similar in value and as a result a serene and comfortable design.

                                                                       Rosa Dest Interiors
There is no right or wrong answer to this exercise... the key is to figure out which you prefer and commit!

Now to the question:

Do you Pop or do you Blend??

Five ways to help you determine whether you Pop or Blend:

1. What colors are your eyes naturally drawn to?
     •Is it the softer colors or neutrals?
     •Is it the brighter more vibrant colors?
2. Do you like to add pattern or texture into the mix?
     •Do you like to see texture in the same colors?
     •Do you like to have a contrast between the pattern and the colors?
3. What mood do you want your room to convey?
     •A peaceful serene feeling?
     •A bright and cheerful feeling?
4. Do you want to feel like saying OOOHHH  or WOW!!  as you walk in?
5. Consider your personal style and  how you like to dress, it oftentimes reflects your home.
     •Your closet says it all, how we dress is usually an indication of the colors we like to surround ourselves with.

My job is to create  both a WOW and an OOOHHH in your spaces. By determining whether you prefer a pop of color or a blend of color gives me an insight into your color sense. What it really comes down to, is making the colors you like  - WORK for YOU! 

                           Feeling Color challenged?
                                         Let's talk about your project !

Colorfully yours,